Sightings Reports, usually illustrated with photographs and including contributions from fellow passengers, are published as soon after the end of a cruise as other commitments permit!
The reports are free but donations to the Sea Watch Foundation and my work as Ambassador using the link below will be gratefully received!
Into the Midnight Sun with Viking – July/August 2023
This was a hugely successful contract with stunning scenery and great sightings on both voyages, from Bergen to Greenwich and back to Bergen again.
Click the link here to download a report covering both voyages. Please consider donating using the link below and email me if you would like to purchase digital photographs from the report.
Viking Neptune – World Cruise 2022/2023
This epic adventure, for me Around the World in 152 Days, began in Barcelona in December 2022. For others it began with an inaugural Mediterranean cruise a month earlier but for most it started either in Fort Lauderdale, or LA in January.
Click the links below to download the FREE Sightings Report from each leg of the voyage, each of which includes some of the best photographs.
Part 1 Barcelona to Fort Lauderdale Part 2 Fort Lauderdale to Los Angeles
Part 3 Los Angeles to Auckland Part 4 Auckland to Columbo
Coming very soon! A video slide show of the voyage, available in 3 parts!
Pre-Pandemic Archive
Viking Orion Vancouver-Tokyo-Hong Kong / Viking Sun World Cruise 2020 coming soon!
Astoria – Norway from Hull (Oct 2019)
This short cruise from Kingston upon Hull to the Norwegian Fjords provided not only an opportunity for scenic cruising but also to see marine wildlife in the North Sea and fjords. Unfortunately viewing opportunities were somewhat restricted by sea conditions but Harbour Porpoises were seen in the fjords and plenty of seabirds and other wildlife sighted around the ship and in port.
Click here for the Astoria to Norway Sightings Report
Black Watch – Iceland (June/July 2019)
Again sailing from Liverpool, the cruise offered fantastic opportunities to sight Humpback Whales and did not disappoint! As well as up to 20 Humpbacks, White-beaked and Bottlenose Dolphins were seen as well as Fin and Minke Whales! Add in the many seabird sightings and the awesome Icelandic scenery and once again this Fred Olsen cruise to Iceland exceeded all expectations!
Click here for the Black Watch “A Taste of Iceland” Sightings Report
Black Watch – Arctic Norway (June 2019)
Sailing from Liverpool, the cruise featured encounters with Common Dolphins and Minke Whales in the Hebrides and later Fin Whales in Norway. Even Hvaldimir, the famous ex-Russian Navy Beluga was seen in Hammerfest by guests on a tour! Download the report for full details of these and the many seabirds spotted during our sea-days and a few more animals ashore.
Click here to download the Black Watch Arctic Norway Sightings Report
Black Watch – Scottish Islands and Lochs (May 2019)
Sailing from Liverpool this short, 5-day, cruise had great potential for sightings of Minke Whales around Tobermory (Mull) and Orca around Kirkwall (Orkney) as well as various dolphin species and Harbour Porpoise. Unfortunately, although there were brief sightings in challenging weather and sea conditions, very few animals were sighted. However, on the final day and with the wind behind us, fabulous sightings of many species of seabirds were enjoyed by passengers on deck.
Click here to download the Black Watch Scottish Islands and Lochs Sightings Report
Black Watch – Azores and Portugal (May 2019)
Sailing from Liverpool, the trip offered great opportunities for sightings on the UK continental shelf, the edge of Biscay and around the cetacean rich waters of the Azores. It did not disappoint! There were numerous sightings (and photographs) of Fin Whales, hundreds of Common and Striped Dolphins and also both Cuvier’s and Sowerby’s Beaked Whales! Additionally of course, many seabirds were seen including all the usual suspects… Gannets, Fulmars, Great Black-backed and Yellow-legged Gulls, Cory’s and Manx Shearwaters included.
Click here to download Black Watch Azores & Portugal Sightings Record
Viking Sun – World Cruise Sector 4 Sydney – Durban
(Mar/Apr 2019)
The fourth sector of the Viking Sun World Cruise 2019 included a number of stops in South and Western Australia before a voyage across the Indian Ocean brought us to Mauritius, Madagascar and Mozambique. As always, there were a number of wildlife highlights including Tasmanian Devils, Koalas, couple of thousand Common Dolphins, a glimpse of Orca, the inevitable Bottlenose Dolphins, many species of seabirds including Shy, Black-browed and Buller’s Albatross and Great-winged Petrels and of course Lemurs!
Click here to download Sightings Report Sydney to Durban
Viking Sun – World Cruise Sector 3 Valparaiso – Sydney (Feb/Mar 2019)
The third sector of the Viking Sun World Cruise 2019 included a stop at Robinson Crusoe Island and a wonderful circumnavigation of Easter Island as sadly heavy swells prevented our landing. After Tahiti and Bora Bora, we headed for New Zealand with calls at Waitangi, Auckland and Wellington before sailing in both Doubtful and Milford Sounds and heading for Sydney. Our wildlife highlights were undoubtedly very close encounters with a Blue Whale and a Wandering Albatross but some great sightings of Spinner and Common Dolphins, Boobies, Terns and Pacific Flying Squid (yes, really!) were amongst other great moments.
Click here to download Sightings Report Valparaiso to Sydney
Viking Sun – World Cruise Sector 2 Buenos Aires – Valparaiso (Jan/Feb 2019)
This second sector of the 2019 Viking Sun World Cruise featured visits to the Falklands, Ushuaia, Punta Arenas and a sail around Cape Horn as well as scenic cruising in the Chilean Fjords! Wildlife highlights included various species of Albatross, Penguins, Petrels and Shearwaters as well as a glimpse of Commerson’s and Southern Right Whale Dolphins, a number of encounters with Peale’s Dolphins and stunning sightings of Sei, Humpback and Blue Whales!
Click here to download Viking Sun Buenos Aires to Valparaiso
Viking Sun – World Cruise Sector 1 Miami-Buenos Aires (January 2019)
This first sector of the 2019 World Cruise on the beautiful Viking Sun produced great sightings of marine wildlife including Bottlenose, Spotted and Spinner Dolphins, Pilot Whales, Masked, Brown and Red-footed Boobies, Scopoli’s Shearwaters, a Yellow-nosed Albatross, many Flying Fish and an Ocean Sunfish! Best of all was a close encounter with 4 Cuvier’s Beaked Whales, a deep diving and not often seen species! I hope you will enjoy this report of the voyage.
Click here to download Viking Sun Miami to Buenos Aires
Magellan – Norway and Northern Lights (November 2018)
Norwegian waters provide many opportunities for marine wildlife sightings. Harbour Porpoises are frequently seen in the fjords and sometimes White-beaked Dolphins which along with Minke Whales can often be seen in coastal waters. Orca too can be found as well as Humpback Whales and other species. This was late in the season though, with short days so opportunities were limited but as well as the usual seabirds and eagles, there were brief sightings as well as views of the eagerly anticipated Northern Lights.
Click here to download the Magellan Norway and Northern Lights
Columbus – Canaries and Madeira (October 2018)
Voyages across the Bay of Biscay, and on to the Canaries, offer great opportunities for whale and dolphin sightings, as well as seabirds of course. In Biscay this late in the season, whales are fewer in number and tend to congregate more towards the south of the Bay but we still had sightings of Fin and possibly Sperm and even a Blue Whale as well as Striped and Common Dolphins. Tenerife provided fabulous views of Short-finned Pilot Whales and a large Bryde’s Whale and Madeira gave us Atlantic Spotted Dolphins. All this and seabirds too!
Click here to download the Columbus – Canaries and Madeira Sightings Report
Black Watch – Azores (May 2018) 
April and May in the Azores is the best time of year to see Blue Whales and other species in the waters around the Azores and so a great reason to cruise there at this time of year. We saw Blue, Fin, Sei and Humpback Whales on whale watching excursions there, as well as Common and Bottlenose Dolphins. Sightings from the ship included close encounters with a Fin Whale and both Common, Striped and Bottlenose Dolphins, more distant sightings of other species and lots of seabirds!
Click here to download the Islands of the Azores and Madeira Report
Boudicca – Madeira and Canaries (April 2018)
With decent sea conditions, a crossing of Biscay always brings whale and dolphin sightings, as well as seabirds. The Canaries and Madeira are also great locations for a number of species and this cruise resulted in great encounters with Striped and Common Dolphins as well as Pilot Whales. Larger whales, including Fin and Sperm Whales were spotted but most excitingly of all a rarely seen Pygmy Sperm Whale was recorded in the waters between Lisbon and Gran Canaria.
Click here to download the Madeira and Canaries Sightings Report
Viking Sky – West Indies to Spain
Mar 04th 2018 to Mar 17th 2018
A fabulous Transatlantic voyage on the superb Viking Sky which included close encounters with Sperm Whales and Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, with lots of seabirds including a Bonaparte’s Gull which breeds in Alaska and Northern Canada and is only rarely seen in Europe! A late night passsage through the Strait of Gibraltar was followed by a whole day of Common and Striped Dolphin sightings and a close encounter with a solitary Risso’s Dolphin. I hope you enjoy the Sightings Report!
Click here to download the West Indies to Spain Sightings Report, complete with photographs
Viking Sky – Caribbean to the Amazon
Feb 11th 2018 to Mar 04th 2018
An amazing cruise on the Viking Sky from Miami to San Juan via the Amazon. Lots of wonderful wildlife including both “pink” Boto and “grey” Tucuxi Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins at sea, Monkeys and many rainforest birds and insects. Some photographs are included in the Report but many more, together with some scenic shots to provide context, are included in a new Amazon Wildlife DVD, available from mid-May 2018. See the home page for details.
Click here to download the Caribbean to the Amazon Sightings Report, with photographs
Viking Sun – Round the World Cruise
Miami to Los Angeles Dec 15th 2017 – Jan 4th 2018
Los Angeles to Auckland Jan 4th 2018 – Feb 29th 2018
Two sectors of Viking’s inaugural World Cruise on the sensational Viking Sun, from Miami to Los Angeles and then on to Auckland. It was a privilege to part of this amazing voyage and we enjoyed some terrific wildlife encounters at sea and on land throughout the voyage. These are now listed in two wildlife reports, complete with photographs.
We have also produced a DVD based on my final lecture, the wildlife slide show, which includes many additional beautiful wildlife photographs and some scenic shots to provide context. See the home page for ordering details.
Click on the itinerary for the relevant report, Miami to Los Angeles or Los Angeles to Auckland
Viking Sky – Panama and Central America
Nov 12th-26th & Nov 26th-Dec 10th 2017
Two identical cruises on the beautiful Viking Sky from Miami to Miami including a partial transit of the Panama Canal and visits to Key West and ports in the Caribbean and Central America.
Sightings reports, with photographs are available for both and guests may want to download both for comparison and a wider range of photographs of the amazing wildlife seen!
Click the relevant dates for the reports. Nov 12th-26th 2017 Nov 26th-Dec 10th 2017
Viking Star – Mediterranean Odyssey – Oct 2017
A lovely cruise to some beautiful European destinations between Barcelona and Venice. Only one sea day, from the Tyrrhenian Sea, through the Strait of Messina to the Ionian Sea but lots of Striped Dolphins and a few Loggerhead Turtles too! We even saw Bottlenose Dolphins sailing away from Split and had hundreds of Yellow-legged Gulls around us as we sailed from Naples in the dark!
Click here to download the Sightings Report, with photographs.
Viking Star – Trade Routes of the Middle Ages – Sept/Oct 2017
An amazing cruise from Bergen to Barcelona with sightings of 5 different dolphin species in the Bay of Biscay, North Atlantic and Mediterranean as well as porpoises outside Zeebrugge and a few whales during the voyage too!
Click here to download the Sightings Report, with photographs too!
Balmoral – Iceland – Aug/Sept 2017
Northern itineraries towards Arctic waters rarely disappoint and this wonderful cruise was no exception. Despite some strong winds and poor seas initially, we were soon amongst the whales and Akureyri in particular offered great views of Humpback Whales from the ship but particularly on shore excursions with Ambassador Whale Watching.
Click here to download the Sightings Report which includes, whale, dolphin and seabird photographs.
Balmoral – Arctic Norway & Svalbard (June 2017)
As usual with North Atlantic and Arctic itineraries we enjoyed some amazing whale and seabird encounters. On one occasion we had hundreds, perhaps thousands of Fulmars flying around us and twice on one day the captain even announced whales to allow passengers to enjoy a number of Humpback, Fin, Sei, Minke and even a Blue Whale near the ship!
Click here to download the Sightings Report which includes, whale, dolphin and seabird photographs.

Boudicca to Norway – May/June 2017
Sailing from Greenock, there were good sightings opportunities in the Hebrides and there are more whales, dolphins and porpoises in the North Sea, and even the fjords, than people realise! There are lots of seabirds in these waters too.
Click here to download the Sightings Report which includes, whale, dolphin and seabird photographs.
Marco Polo – Amazon Adventure – Jan/Feb 2017
The Amazon is a wildlife-lover’s dream and our sightings included both Boto and Tucuxi (so-called “pink” and “grey” dolphins) and lots of other wildlife. A DVD is now available based on my final “wildlife roundup” talk. This is a compilation of over 200 wildlife images and additional scenic shots to complete the story. The cost of £25, includes p&p and a donation to the Sea Watch Foundation so your purchase will be helping to study and protect UK whales, dolphins and porpoises.
Click here to read or download the sightings report from the Marco Polo Amazon, West Indies and Azores Cruise, Jan 2017
Voyager – Beyond Ceylon, Nov/Dec 2016 Yuletide in East Asia, Jan 2017
Two wonderful cruises with our first sightings of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins and lots of other wildlife. Sadly, these cruises turned out to be the last for Voyages of Discovery as the company went into administration immediately after the last cruise finished in Kuala Lumpur.
Click here to read or download the sightings report from the Beyond Ceylon cruise on Voyager, November 2016
Click here to read or download the sightings report from the Yuletide in East Asia cruise on Voyager, December 2016
Aurora – Caribbean to UK – October 2016
Our first sighting of Fraser’s Dolphins, during a shore excursion in St Lucia and great encounters with Common Dolphins from the ship were our highlights from the cruise.
Click here to read or download the sightings report from the Caribbean to UK cruise on Aurora, October 2016
Viking Star – In the Wake of the Vikings – September 2016
This fabulous cruise started in Bergen and ended in Montreal, visiting many of the places the Vikings landed and settled. Lots of whale and dolphin sightings on the voyage!
Click here to read or download the sightings report from the Viking Star, In the Wake of the Vikings Cruise, September 2016
Queen Mary 2 – New York to Southampton – May 2016
On the first day out of New York we had one of our best ever whale watching days, multiple sightings of Fin, Sei, Sperm and Minke Whales, one of only 350 Northern Right Whales left in the world and hundreds of Common Dolphins!
Click here to read or download the Sightings Report from the Queen Mary 2, New York to Southampton, May 2016
e UK’s leading whale, dolphin and porpoise research, study and protection charity. A “citizen science” partnership of scientists, researchers and members of the public.
PLEASE DONATE TO SEA WATCH FOUNDATION (Click link at foot of page)
Cruise Archive
Saga Pearl II “A Grecian Odyssey” October 2015 I was delighted to be able to join passengers on board Saga Pearl II for this wonderful cruise from Southampton to the Greek Islands and back. We were able to record sightings most sea days, even during periods of poor weather and sea conditions but most of the sightings were during the first part of the voyage, in Biscay, off the coast of Spain and Portugal, in the Straits of Gibraltar and the Western Mediterranean. Species recorded were: Common, Striped, Risso’s and Bottlenose Dolphins, Pilot Whales, a probable Sperm Whale, possible Sei Whales and a number of Fin Whales! In addition, a sea turtle and sunfish were also spotted!
CLICK to read or download a copy of my Sightings Report from Saga Pearl II “A Grecian Odyssey” in October 2015
Black Watch Caribbean – UK, December 2015
It was a great pleasure to join Black Watch for the first time on this cruise. Unfortunately, we had very variable weather and sea conditions so sightings were limited but we had some nice encounters nevertheless, including a probable Gervais’ Beaked Whale and numerous dolphins.
CLICK to read or download a copy of my Sightings Report from Black Watch, Caribbean to UK in December 2015
Black Watch “World Cruise” January – May 2016
What a great adventure! It was wonderful to meet and spend so much time with great people as we sailed around the World together. It is difficult to list the highlights, there were so many! Blue Whales off Peru and Salalah have to rate highly but we saw many other “great whales” including Sei, Fin and Sperm as well as numerous dolphins including, Common, Striped, Spinner, Bottlenose and Risso’s. Four different species of Booby, three of Tropic Bird and many different Terns and Noddies were amongst numerous bird species spotted. Add in Sea Turtles, Sea Snakes, Tuna and Marlin, Manta Rays, Spotted Rays, a Sunfish and even Crocodiles (in the Panama Canal) and you begin to see what a range of wildlife we spotted at sea. With Komodo Dragons, Iguanas, Bats, Wallabies and many more birds spotted ashore, the story is complete! As the trip was also sold as two separate halves, I have split the Sightings Report into two sectors, Southampton – Sydney and Sydney – Southampton.
CLICK to read or download a copy of my Sightings Report from Black Watch “World Cruise” Southampton – Sydney, January – March 2016
CLICK to read or download a copy of my Sightings Report from Black Watch “World Cruise” Sydney – Southampton, March – May 2016
The Sightings Reports above are free to download. However, I would appreciate a donation to support the my work and that of of Sea Watch Foundation studying and protecting UK whales, dolphins and porpoises.